Archive for October, 2010

Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) scientists have found a galaxy that is 13.1 billion light years away. To date this is the most distant galaxy found. Since the light has taken 13.1 biliion years to reach us we are seeing how the galaxy was when the Universe was only 600 million years old. Not only is that impressive but it tells us the galaxies had formed by that time placing restrains models for the formation of the Universe.

The image below shows the location of the galaxy on the Ultra-Deep Field image taken by the HST in 2009. I posted the full version of this image on the 4th of October. The post is called Hubble Ultra Deep Field.

While this is a very deep image deeper images should be generated from the soon to be launched James Webb Space Telescope. It is hoped that this telescope will find the very first formed galaxies in the universe

This video is a short documentary on the Collisional Ejection Theory for the creating on the Earth’s moon. It features Bill Hartmann and Robin Canup who were important figures in the development of this theory.

Ever felt insignificant? If you have an understanding of what is presented in this image you should. Nearly every object in this image is a galaxy containing millions and in most cases billions of stars. The image is called the Hubble Ultra Deep Field and was taken in 1995 and 1998.

The objects in this image are extremely dim and not detectable by ground-based telescopes. Even the Hubble Space Telescope cameras had to collect light over 278 hours to produce this image. There are 10,000 galaxies in the image. Using this image it has been estimated that there are 130 billion galaxies in the Universe at least as bright as the dimmest galaxy in the image.

For a larger version click the image. For a very large version (60MB) see the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image.

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